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Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tangled Up in the Roots.
I don't think anything makes me sadder than when someone forgets who they are. Alzheimer patients often forget who they are and who their family is and it's heartbreaking. But at least that is beyond their control. Sometimes we forget who we are on purpose. And that is utterly tragic. With every Christian, there is an intense battle between who we used to be and who we really are. We look in the mirror and see who we used to be, we look at our friends and all they see is who we used to be. Sometimes we look inside our minds and it screams, "you are who you used to be!" But do not misunderstand, you are different! I am different! If you have been washed in baptism by the blood of the Lamb, you are a new person. One of Satan's greatest weapons is to make you forget faith and focus on the physical. He wants you to ignore God and think, "there's no way I'm forgiven." I've seen it in my life and in the lives of others. It usually starts with the influence of others. You spend time around old friends or new friends that don't understand God's will and they challenge you on your faith. Or even still, you think they will challenge you on your faith. That is usually the case. Most people are looking for a genuine Christian. But you anticipate them rejecting you, so you try not to act too "churchy", and you put on your old mask. Then, over time, you forget which is the mask and which is really you. When you finally realize your dilemma, you think it's too late; that you're too far gone, there's no way you can be forgiven.
But I'm here to tell you that you are wrong! How do I know? Because I've been there. I've been in the place of self-imposed spiritual Alzheimer's and then I saw him, Jesus, still standing there, in the same place he always has been. He never leaves, he never changes, the only thing he forgets is your sin! All you have to do is fix your eyes back on Jesus. He will help you remember, He will bring you back to reality. You can look in the mirror again and know who your are!
So Close, Yet so Far.
Imagine there's a contest. The contest is to find the wonderful village of Chocowinity. You've never been there before (not many have)and you are clueless as to how to pinpoint its location. You're dropped off in the Congo with a Swiss Army knife, some gum and a pack of Swiss Cake rolls (mmmmmm, Swiss cake rolls...oh sorry). After days of stowing away on banana boats and hopping trains you end up in California and finally in Cherokee, North Carolina. You find yourself deliriously debating a cigar store indian, because you were so excited to have Swiss Cake rolls that you ate them all the first day and only had gum for the rest of your journey. Anyway, compared to the Congo and Cali, Cherokee, NC is pretty darn close to Chocowinity, NC. But the contest is to make it to Choco. You're talking 8 hours in a car averaging 65 miles an hour. Do you win? No, close (compared to the Congo), but yet so far. You explain that they are both Native American names and in NC; but it doesn't matter.
Our lives are alot like that. Honestly alot of us spend a lot of time going to church and sometimes talking about God and praying when things are going poorly, but how many of us really make it to Chocowinity? For the person who has realized that God is really the only way to go, our "Chocowinity" is total surrender. I'm not saying that if we're not perfect we are a million miles away from God, but, how often do we even try to put God first and give him everything? If you're like me, there are plenty of things that come before your relationship with your Creator and Savior. I hear people all the time that claim to follow Christ but He and His Church are second choice to any number of activities. Work, school, and definitely sports. But even good stuff like those things and even something as precious as family sometimes gets in front of God and that is wrong! It has been said that "Jesus is either Lord of all or He's Lord of nothing."
It scares me that so many of us are going through life coasting spiritually. Jesus gave us His all and if we give him 5% of our life we think we've done something. I think its time to smash our idols and get our priorities in order.
Who wants to hear, when you meet Jesus, "You were close, but yet so far."
Trains and Dinosaurs. Deep thoughts
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
None too familiar.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I guess this is a typical news day, but it is just one more reminder that this world is not my home. Come Lord Jesus.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Do we remember?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Go for the Bronze!
But why do we settle for mediocrity or worse in our spiritual lives? I constantly find myself settling for less than what God has planned for me. I look around and the church is constantly reveling in its mediocrity. Why do we demand so much from ourselves and others in work, school, sports and fun and then settle for so much less in our relationship with the almighty creator of the universe? I think we have forgotten who we are dealing with. In Hebrews 10, the Holy Spirit is trying to pound into our heads the idea that we better take seriously our relationship with Jesus Christ. So often, I think many of us are on the verge of trampling on the Son of God.
The only way to wake ourselves up is to remember who we used to be (Hebrews 10) and get back in God's Word. Renew your love for Him, remember what you used to be without Him, and start really living for Him.
I need a Football helmet.
Sometimes I find myself thinking him silly when he refuses help on a difficult task. I laugh or grow frustrated as he struggles to complete something that seems so easy for me. It's common for me to think how childish and short-sighted he can be. But am I different?
How many times have I struggled through life, refusing assistance from the God who made me and saved me. What was excruciatingly troublesome for me was unbelievably simple for Him. Yet there I was, banging my head against that spiritual wall while my God was there all along trying to help lift me over it.
He is able to see through, over or around any obstacle that comes my way. If only I would just grow up and recognize it. But maybe that's the problem. Maybe I'm too "grown up". Maybe I need that "faith like a child." Because, now that I think about it, my little one is the first to hold up his arms for Daddy to carry him when the journey gets too tough. Hold me Jesus.