Like some of you, I have been thinking about the events of September 11, 2001 quite a bit for the past few days. I have looked at the pictures and memories have come alive again. Most of our nation has made the statement, "We will never forget". But do we really remember? In our Youtube and Video game age with quick cuts and new releases around every corner; do we really remember what happened only 7 years ago? I wonder how quickly the vivid memory of Dec. 7th faded from the minds of Americans. Did I make any of you have to think twice about that date? It' the date of the sneak attacks on Pearl Harbor. I have a hard time believing that we truly remember the 9/11 events when many of us can rail on about an unjust war in Iraq. I think that the problem is few of us can empathize without in depth video clips. So since our media doesn't show us pictures of the torture that Iraqi's endured for so many years, or the quality of life that many citizens of Iraq now enjoy, we think that it wasn't that bad and that we should have kept our noses out of it all. How self-centered are we? Every single on of us wanted action on September 11th, because it hit us at home! One of our greatest fears is that the closest Starbucks to us is on the closing list! We don't have to worry if our child will be killed on the way to school, if they were allowed to go to school. Let's not forget the foundation for what happened on September 11th and the people that experience those types of events regularly if people like us don't step up. I thank God for the men and women fighting to defend our country and those who can't defend themselves! Thanks Nate.
Good Job once again. IF people really did remember 9/11 and all the events that have taken place since then....the churches would still be full. What is wrong with this world?? We Christians sure do have a LOT of work ahead of us!!
Keep it up!!
nice little message. & you're welcome =)
Nicely put, Bobby Wallace.
I have mixed feelings about whether or not we should have gone into Iraq in the first place. However, since we're there, we do need to do what we can to finish the job. And it's very true that we don't hear about the good things that have transpired in the last year. And we can't deny that one of the late 20th centuries great criminals is now gone.
Good post.
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