Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Loved beyond measure.

I just heard about a child that was born without a brain.  The more unbelievable fact is that the child lived.  Even more so, is the fact that the child is two years old!  The little boy's brain stem is intact which controls his breathing and the basic activities of life, but he does little else. Sometimes his arm will flail and the family holds out hope that he's learning to wave.  The reason they hold out hope is there are some brain cells on the stem, so it's hard to say what he is capable of or not. 
Do you want to know something almost as amazing?  The child is adopted.  His birth parents did not feel that they could handle the stress of raising a child that could not function on the lowest levels and could die at any time.  So a family that has a reputation for foster-parenting children like this boy, took him in and eventually adopted him! Amazing, they knew his struggles, knew what lay ahead and still took him in.  According to a friend that has met the family, they shower love on him, though often with little response.  The boy that was unwanted became wanted and loved beyond measure.

As I listened to this amazing story, I was hit between the eyes by the fact that this child's story is not so different from my own.  I seemingly had nothing to offer, was unlovable in the eyes of many and yet still I was loved.  Jesus looked at my sin-filled life and in spite of what I had done he looked to who I could be.  His child!  He adopted me, took me into his family and made me one of his own. He showers love on me though I can never repay Him or truly give back to Him like he's given to me.  It's good to know that there is still hope for the unwanted.

Read:      Romans  5:8;   Galatians 4:4-7


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... Bobby's blog lives.

Welcome back.

And write more often than, say, 4 times a year.

Frank said...

I'm with you, between my eyes ache also. What i get out of it is the question "why?" Two concepts come to mind: Miracles and relationships.
Some wonder where have all the miracles gone, others wish they could see Jesus walking and healing, still other don't see anything and question God...Can I say that anyone would believe in miracles the moment that child waved it's arm...So why does this child have to go through this awfulness? could it be God revealing Himself to us?would God be known if everything was fine? ...What if God knew the child wouldn't know Him in the future and it took God creating him without a brain, and patiently working miracles in the kids life... What do you think Big B?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bobby! I just came across your blog this morning and it has already spoken volumes to me! Keep it up man.