Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jesus: Yay or Yawn?

Ripping down 6 foot street signs, jumping over fires, climbing trees.  All ways to celebrate a national championship.  It makes perfect sense.  I don't know about you, but when my team wins something I want to rip something down.  That was the scene a few weeks ago in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  The Tarheel faithful, along with yours truly, were celebrating on Franklin St. soon after North Carolina demolished Michigan State for the National Championship.  I hadn't planned on being there, but some friends and I were in west Raleigh for a meeting that night and were watching the game.  As soon as it ended we said, "Let's go!"  That's all it took, 6 guys jumped in a van and took the 20 minute trip to Franklin St.  The scene was unbelievable.  It was pretty tame compared to the violence that happens at some championship celebrations, but the jubilation was unparalleled.  People leaped over fires like Jack jumping over the candle stick.  I have to admit, that was one I got in on.  People were climbing trees.  They were on rooftops, store fronts, and traffic poles.  One guy was surfing a six foot Columbia Ave. sign being carried by a stumbling mass of college students. 
Everyone was excited, dancing, giving five, cheering and just all out celebrating.  Nearly everyone had the same purpose, to let the world know who they loved!  As we waded through the sea of people, it hit me like a ton of bricks, "why doesn't the church get this excited about Jesus...ever?"  I know it may be a little much to ask that we all stay that excited all the time, but how about every now and then?  There are times that call for true quiet reflection and reverence, or even righteous anger, but couldn't every couple of months or so, throw in a little joy and jubilation?  I know why the joyous moments are too few and far between for me.  Maybe the same reason rings true for you as well.  I don't get too excited with the Jesus that we've created.    The savior who demands just enough to save us from hell, but not enough to change the world or shake up my daily life.  The Jesus that says more in trinkets and t-shirts than from my lips.  And I definitely don't get all hot and bothered by the Jesus who is little more than a community organizer and doesn't scream from the cross, "It is Finished!"  
Maybe its time that I and maybe even you get reacquainted with the Savior from the Word.  Who knows, things might get a little rowdy.


William Mckinley Dyer said...

The Jesus who is no more than a bumper sticker to most people!!! I agree Bobby. Maybe the Church should institute the Year of Jubilee. Instead of every 50 years it can be once every year!!! Lets do it

Anonymous said...

I love the man who wrote this! I agree and see the lack of excitement in my own life, too. I want to shake things up, and fall in love with the Jesus of the Word again. love your wife

Doug said...

Well said Bobby!