Have you ever had one of those moments when you realized that you had known someone for a long time and did not know that they went to church and professed to be a Christian? There were probably a lot of people that had that experience with me in High School and my early college years. It's always an awkward moment when you try to surmise why you didn't know. Is it because you weren't concerned enough to find out or they weren't faithful enough for it to show? Maybe it's a little of both.
I want to have the kind of faith that people recognize. Christians and non-Christians. I want people to know beyond the shadow of a doubt where I stand and whom I stand for. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be like those misguided folks that picket military funerals in the name of Jesus. I want to be known for a faith that matches the Bible. The Faith, to be exact.
Paul wrote to the church at Colosse that their faith was reaching far beyond their city gates. They were becoming famous, in a sense, while they were making Jesus famous. What was becoming well known? Their faith in Christ and the love they had for all the saints. Are you known for that kind of faith? A faith that overflows with love? Hear me. I didn't ask if you were known for your knowledge. Knowledge puffs up. You can know a lot of scripture but yet not live it or let it change your heart. They were known for their knowledge of scripture and how they lived it out! That kind of faith, Paul said, came from the hope of heaven. A real understanding of heaven changes people. It causes people to bear fruit in their Christian life. Are you bearing fruit? Are there new Christians following behind you? Are there stronger Christians learning from you? This isn't a call to church leaders only. This is a letter written to the CHURCH at Colosse. All are expected to make Jesus famous.
If you are at a time in your life when people are surprised that you go to church, start loving others. It will take a decision on your part to stop loving yourself so much. It will take a conscious effort to invest time in others. Don't make people shocked to read in your obituary that you attended church. Besides, I don't think Jesus reads obituaries.
Read Colossians 1:1-8
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