Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pick a Side!

     There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.  Just click your heels together and keep saying that.  If you're a dude, take off the ruby slippers.  Do you ever just want to go home?  Don't get me wrong.  I love my family...a lot.  But I am tired of this place more often than not.  I struggle every day with the urge to live like this place is home.  Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.  It broke Paul's heart to see people living as enemies of the cross.  I bet if you throw a rock you will probably hit an enemy of the cross. Though I don't recommend throwing rocks at your neighbors.  You may hit an enemy of the cross in the mirror.  Paul challenges us to follow his example and the examples of people like him.  If you're not careful, you can be an enemy.
     Most of us struggle living for the here and now.  Our god can easily become our stomach.  We get focused on just meeting our wants and our desires and forget about our need to be with and like Jesus.  More than ever we glory in our shame.  We call sin a lifestyle choice.  Sexual sin is accepted almost as readily in the church as outside.  We often become proud or at least calloused to our sin.  We have to remind ourselves what Paul said just before that description.  Their destiny is destruction.
     We don't want to be destroyed.  I hope we don't want others to be destroyed.  We need to get our minds off earthly things and get our hearts focused on eternal things!  Is that extra hour of television really worth missing time with your kids?  Or reading your Bible?  How about praying for your co-worker who needs Jesus?  We all get focused on the temporary instead of the eternal.  Let's remember that Jesus is coming back.  He will make everything worth it!  Let's live like He's coming tonight!  Whose side are you on?
                           Read Philippians 3:17-21

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