I get the feeling that Paul thinks Christians will argue. What would ever give him that idea? Christians get a bad rap for arguing. Don’t get me wrong, we do it. Sometimes over the silliest things. I’ve been around long enough to know that people will fight in the Volunteer Fire Department, the Ruritans, at work, and any other place you get a few together. So why does the world spend so much time talking about when the church fights? Because even they know that we should know better. You can question their motives as to why they critique us, but the truth remains that we should know better and we’ve been given a greater responsibility.
The Philippian church seems to have been a “good” church. They don’t get the scathing rebukes that the Galatians get. Paul is hammering in the idea that they must get along. What is so important about us getting along? Paul ties it to their salvation! He previously reminded them of Christ’s attitude and how they were to take on Christ’s attitude. Then he moves right in and challenges them to work our their salvation! That’s a heavy task! God’s grace saves us, but have no doubt, we are players in the game too! Our faith is required and the Bible is tireless in teaching us that faith is an active faith! Not merely belief. The demons acknowledge the truth about God. Paul says here in chapter 2 that God is working in us to carry out our salvation. When we choose to do the opposite of the good He is leading us towards, we are fighting GOD!
What sin does Paul and the Holy Spirit choose to focus on when he teaches us about working on our salvation? Murder, theft, adultery, or homosexuality? No. Good old arguing and complaining. Those two sins are just as deadly as any other when we don’t give Jesus lordship over them. Complaining and arguing are toxic in the church and sadly, many people don’t even feel a tinge of guilt when they perpetrate them against a brother, sister, preacher, or elder.
If I want to be blameless and pure, I must cease complaining and arguing! That’s a tough pill to swallow. Some people believe that is their spiritual gift! There are others that think they are doing a service to the church by keeping a “voice of reason” around. If there were not some negativity around, imagine what would happen! But Paul and God teach us that when we complain, fight, and argue, our light for Christ in this world dims. If the church is going to shine light and save people from Hell, we must live at peace with one another. Make no mistake, we must follow the Bible in the church. We can’t remain silent when people are teaching falsehood. Think about this; are most arguments and complaints in the church about Biblical truth? Or are they about personalities, opinions, traditions, and preferences?
When you feel the urge to complain, nitpick, argue or cause a hubbub (I like that word), stop. Remember, when we fight unnecessarily we cause Jesus to blend in to the scenery of this world. With enough complaining He might just disappear in our life. Think about the people that have influenced you for Jesus. Do you want them to fear that they labored for nothing? That all their life sacrificing for you to know Jesus was meaningless? How about the people that you are influencing? When your brothers and sisters in Christ, your neighbors, your children, grandchildren, or parents look at you, do you want them to be closer to or farther away from Jesus. I bet you feel like Paul. You would be willing to give it all to help someone get to heaven. So start with your opinion. If it’s not building someone up and it’s not a matter of spiritual life and death, talk to the Lord about it. I bet he can do more about it than Bertha at the grocery store. Shine your light!
1 comment:
You spoke right to me today, man! Great inspiration from this entry. Thanks!
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