Thursday, October 2, 2008


In less than 24 hours, I have read with own eyes, 3 or 4 very disturbing stories. I have been disgusted by an account of an adult male (I won't call him a man) punching a 16 yr. old girl in the face repeatedly over who was first in line at McDonald's. Not long after I read about a 17 yr. old who was contemplating suicide and was then egged on by people in the crowd below to, "Jump" and "get on with it." After he finally plunged to his death, they rushed up and took pictures with their camera phones. Sadly, this is not all. I also read about another "famous" couple marrying in California, except they forgot to invite a groom. And then a few moments later, I read about a "famous" comedienne who implied Sarah Palin would be "gang raped by her big black brothers" when she visited New York. This racist and disgusting comment was brought on because Palin believes in protecting life.
I guess this is a typical news day, but it is just one more reminder that this world is not my home. Come Lord Jesus.

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