Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day One. Catchy, Ain't It?

I am thankful beyond words for my wife, Shari. I don't understand her patience towards me. She deals with my impatience (ironic, isn't it?), my immaturity, my bouts with discouragement, and my selfishness. I could go on, but this is meant to encourage me! I seldom take her encouragement as well as I would from others. I often vent my frustrations towards her. I don't know how she handles it. Somehow, she keeps a positive outlook on life and still loves me. She takes great care of our kids and keeps the household running. Yet somehow she stays beautiful, inside and out.
Ultimately, she's the reason that I am writing this. She hasn't told me to, but she constantly reminds me, by her actions and her words, that I have so much to be thankful for.
May this be the first of many entries. Thank you, Father, for a wonderful woman in my life.

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